Module Relude_Void

type t =
| Void(t)

Void.t is a type for which it is impossible to construct a value. This may sound like a strange concept, but it can be very valuable for indicating at compile time that certain case is unraeachable.

For example, the type result('a, Void.t) is still a result, and you can still do all of the normal result things to it, but you can know for a fact that it can't be an Error, because there would be no way to construct a valid error payload to satisfy the Void.t type.

let absurd: t => 'a;

Void.absurd can be used when you need to provide a function from Void.t to any other type. Because no value of void can be constructed, this function will never actually be called.

let show: t => string; converts a value of type Void.t to a string, however, since you can never construct a value of type Void.t, this function is unreachable, and is in fact just an alias for absurd.