Module Relude_StateT.WithMonad
M: BsBastet.Interface.MONAD
type t('a, 's)
StateT('s => M.t(('a, 's)))
StateT represents an effectful function from a state value of type 's to a result value 'a and a next state of type 's. This version of StateT has 'a on the left for consistency with other Reason types like Result/IO/Validation/etc.
let runStateT: s a. 's => t('a, 's) => M.t(('a, 's));
Applies an initial state value to run the StateT, producing the resulting value a and new state s in the result Monad.
let evalStateT: s a. t('a, 's) => 's => M.t('a);
Same as runStateT, but discards the final state, only returning the result a.
let execStateT: s a. t('a, 's) => 's => M.t('s);
Same as runStateT, but discards the final result a, only returning the final state s.
let mapStateT: s a b. (M.t(('a, 's)) => M.t(('b, 's))) => t('a, 's) => t('b, 's);
Change the result type in the StateT. Note: for simplicity, we don't allow changing the monad here.
let get: s. t('s, 's);
Surfaces the current state as the result value a.
let gets: s a. ('s => 'a) => t('a, 's);
Extracts a value from the current state and surfaces it in the result value a.
let put: s. 's => t(unit, 's);
Overwrites the current state with a new state s.
let modify: s. ('s => 's) => t('s, 's);
Modifies the current state with a function, and also returns it in the result value a.
let modify_: s. ('s => 's) => t(unit, 's);
Same as modify, but doesn't return the new state as the result value a.