Module Relude_Function

Relude.Function contains many core functions like identity, flip, compose, andThen, and some of the associated infix operators like << (compose) and >> (andThen).

It also defines some typeclass instances like Functor, Apply, Monad, etc. for the 'r => 'a function type.

let identity: a. 'a => 'a;

identity(x) returns x. This is useful when you need to supply a function but don’t want to transform any values.

let id: a. 'a => 'a;

id is a synonym for identity.

let const: a b. 'a => 'b => 'a;

const(x, y) returns x.

const(3, "ignore") == 3;
const("keep", -1) == "keep";
let flip: a b c. ('a => 'b => 'c) => 'b => 'a => 'c;

flip(f, a, b) has a two-parameter function f() as its first parameter. It calls f(b, a), thus “flipping“ the arguments to f().

let formula = (x, y) => {x + 2 * y};
formula(3, 5) == 13;
flip(formula, 5, 3) == 13;
let compose: a b c. ('b => 'c) => ('a => 'b) => 'a => 'c;

compose(f, g, a) is the equivalent of f(g(a)).

let square = (x) => {x * x};
let double = (x) => {2 * x};
compose(square, double, 3) == 36;
compose(double, square, 3) == 18;
let flipCompose: a b c. ('a => 'b) => ('b => 'c) => 'a => 'c;

flipCompose(f, g, a) is the equivalent of g(f(a)).

let square = (x) => {x * x};
let double = (x) => {2 * x};
flipCompose(square, double, 3) == 18;
flipCompose(double, square, 3) == 36;
let andThen: a b c. ('a => 'b) => ('b => 'c) => 'a => 'c;

andThen is a synonym for flipCompose

You can use this synonym with the “pipe first“ operator:

let square = (x) => {x * x};
let double = (x) => {2 * x};
let addFive = (x) => {x + 5};

let formula = square -> andThen(double) -> andThen(addFive);
let curry2: a b c. (('a, 'b) => 'c) => 'a => 'b => 'c;

Converts a function that takes a tuple 2 as an argument to a normal curried function.

let curry3: a b c d. (('a, 'b, 'c) => 'd) => 'a => 'b => 'c => 'd;

Converts a function that takes a tuple-3 as an argument to a normal curried function.

let curry4: a b c d e. (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) => 'e) => 'a => 'b => 'c => 'd => 'e;

Converts a function that takes a tuple-4 as an argument to a normal curried function.

let curry5: a b c d e f. (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) => 'f) => 'a => 'b => 'c => 'd => 'e => 'f;

Converts a function that takes a tuple-5 as an argument to a normal curried function.

let uncurry2: a b c. ('a => 'b => 'c) => ('a, 'b) => 'c;

Converts a normal curried function of two arguments to a function that takes a tuple-2 as an argument.

let uncurry3: a b c d. ('a => 'b => 'c => 'd) => ('a, 'b, 'c) => 'd;

Converts a normal curried function of 3 arguments to a function that takes a tuple-3 as an argument.

let uncurry4: a b c d e. ('a => 'b => 'c => 'd => 'e) => ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) => 'e;

Converts a normal curried function of 4 arguments to a function that takes a tuple-4 as an argument.

let uncurry5: a b c d e f. ('a => 'b => 'c => 'd => 'e => 'f) => ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) => 'f;

Converts a normal curried function of 5 arguments to a function that takes a tuple-5 as an argument.

let map: a b r. ('a => 'b) => ('r => 'a) => 'r => 'b;

map is a synonym for compose and is the equivalent of f(g(a)).

let square = (x) => {x * x};
let double = (x) => {2 * x};
map(square, double, 3) == 36;
map(double, square, 3) == 18;
let apply: a b r. ('r => 'a => 'b) => ('r => 'a) => 'r => 'b;

In apply(hof, f, a), hof is a higher-order function that takes one argument and returns a new function that also takes one argument.

The result of apply() is equivalent to:

let g = hof(a);
// This is the higher-order function
let showResult = (n) => {
  (x: float) => {"input " ++ string_of_int(n)
    ++ " yields " ++ Js.Float.toString(x)

let cube = (x) => { float_of_int(x * x * x) };

apply(showResult, cube, 5) == "input 5 yields 125";
let pure: a r. 'a => 'r => 'a;

pure is a synonym for const

let bind: a b r. ('r => 'a) => ('a => 'r => 'b) => 'r => 'b;

In bind(f, hof, a), hof is a higher-order function that takes one argument and returns a new function that also takes one argument.

The result of bind() is equivalent to:

let g = hof(f(a));
// This is the higher-order function
let showResult = (x) => {
  (n: int) => {"input " ++ string_of_int(n)
    ++ " yields " ++ Js.Float.toString(x)

let cube = (x) => { float_of_int(x * x * x) };

bind(cube, showResult, 5) == "input 5 yields 125";
let flatMap: a b r. ('a => 'r => 'b) => ('r => 'a) => 'r => 'b;

In flatMap(hof, f, a), hof is a higher-order function that takes one argument and returns a new function that also takes one argument. It is the same as bind, but with the first two arguments in reverse order.

// This is the higher-order function
let showResult = (x) => {
  (n: int) => {"input " ++ string_of_int(n)
    ++ " yields " ++ Js.Float.toString(x)

let cube = (x) => { float_of_int(x * x * x) };

flatMap(showResult, cube, 5) == "input 5 yields 125";
let memoize0: (unit => 'a) => unit => 'a;

memoize0 takes a unit => 'a function and returns a new function which once called, will store the result produced and return that cached result for each successive call.

let memoize1: makeKey:('a => string) => ('a => 'b) => 'a => 'b;

memoize1 takes a 'a => 'b function and returns a new 'a => 'b function which once called, stores the result produced by the given function in a closure-based cache, using a cache key created by the function makeKey

All successive calls to the function for input values that resolve to the same cache key will return the cached result.

let before: times:int => (unit => 'a) => unit => 'a;

Takes a function and returns a new function which when called, will allow the first times calls to invoke the given function, and any successive calls will be suppressed and the last result will be returned.

let after: times:int => (unit => 'a) => unit => option('a);

Takes a function and returns a new function that when called, will suppress the first times invocations.

let once: (unit => 'a) => unit => 'a;

Takes a function and returns a new function which will invoke the given function once, and any successive calls will be suppressed, returning the value of the first call.

let wrap: before:('i => 'a) => after:('b => 'o) => ('a => 'b) => 'i => 'o;

Takes a function from 'a => 'b and a function from 'i => 'a to modify the input, and a function 'b => 'o to modify the output, and returns a new function 'i => 'o

let negate: ('a => bool) => 'a => bool;

Takes a predicate function, and returns a new predicate function which negates the given predicate.

module Infix: { ... };

The Infix submodule provides two infix operators for function composition.

module WithArgument: (R: BsBastet.Interface.TYPE) => { ... };